1 in 4 Older Couples Now Divorcing

1 in 4 Older Couples Now Divorcing
All relationships will have problems, but there are couples that hang on just because of children or financial security. They may even be relatively happy. But after a lifetime of work and the children are all raised, sometimes a member of the couple may reassess why they are still in the relationship. That can lead to a so-called “grey divorce.”

They are becoming quite popular in the Boomer generation, a group that saw the first major increase in divorces when the social stigma began to fall away. In 1990, only 1 in 10 divorced couples were 50 years or older. In 2010, it’s now 1 in 4. Part of the reason is increased quality of life and longer lifespans. If the glue for the marriage has faded, the relationship may naturally fall apart.

However, divorcing at an older age raises very important questions about retirement assets, social security, disability payments, and other financial issues. If you are older and are considering a divorce, you need to speak with a financial advisor as well as an experienced family lawyer to avoid putting yourself into penury after the divorce.

If you live in Washington and are seeking divorce advice, the people to call are the lawyers at Elise Buie Family Law Group, PLLC. No matter what your divorce situation, we can give you the advice you need and the structures necessary to mediate, collaborate, or take your spouse to court. Read our website or call us for more information.


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