August 23, 2016

Gun Safety and Domestic Violence in Washington

Gun Safety and Domestic Violence in Washington

Since Washington State’s 201 decisions to implement background checks on the purchase of all firearms, gun violence has been steadily decreasing across the state.
However, the always-progressive Washingtonians, (or Seattleites I should say) are not satisfied just yet. They plan to do what many m…

Divorcing a Narcissist

Chances are, your ex is not a narcissist.

I am not a psychologist and neither are 99% of people who diagnose those around them using the term “narcissist”.  This word is likely drastically over used to describe the undesirable personality traits of the people in our lives. There are people who genuinely suffer from narcissistic personali…

Seattle Moving Towards a City-Funded “Safe Consumption Site” for Heroin Addicts – Guest Blogger

Heroin and Homelessness in Seattle

In June we wrote about Seattle’s potential plans for addressing the homelessness epidemic. Homelessness and substance abuse share a strong connection for a variety of reasons both simple and complex. Many if not most of Seattle area residents have seen or heard how heroin has become a real epidem…