January 2017

DSHS Changed Visitation Policy

Top 4 Things Your Kids Need During Divorce

 Divorce brings new obstacles and you may be struggling through this difficult, emotional and transformative time in your life. Being a parent is hard, divorcing can be trying, and we all put so much guilt on ourselves not meeting the perfectionist parenting goals we have while we do the best we …

How Can Trump Impact Your Parental Rights?

Trump’s Immigration Ban is a Nightmare for University Students

Panic, fear and confusion are widespread after Donald Trump’s seven nation immigration ban was signed into law and begun to take immediate effect. Students and faculty alike are shock that such drastic change was implemented so quickly. There are over 17,000 students currently studying here in th…

What is a Title 13 Guradianship?

What is a Title 13 Guradianship?

There are several possible resolutions to a case when a child is removed from the home by CPS and a dependency action is initiated. The most familiar is reunification, i.e. the child goes back to the parent and the court dismisses the case. On the opposite end is the initiation of a termination c…

Consider Hiring a Financial Adviser

Top Tips for Selling Your Home during Divorce

If you are like most couples, your home may be one of your major assets. It can often be difficult when going through divorce to face selling a home together with your ex. Here are some top tips to make your home sale during divorce go smoothly.

All about the agent: Spent some time getting …

How Can Trump Impact Your Parental Rights?

How Can Trump Impact Your Parental Rights?

With Trump officially sworn in as the 45 President of the United States; many are running to their local family lawyer. Why? Because parentage rights may be in question. In Washington State one parent is considered the biological parent of the child and the other presumptive parent. This can get …

Are You a Nasty Woman?

Are You a Nasty Woman?

I have concluded that being a nasty woman comes down to a single defining characteristic: complete lack of interest in validation from men.
There are many powerful and inspirational women in this country that will never have the title of “nasty woman.” We have feminist icons like Gloria Steinem …

Collaborative Law for Prenuis

Financial Planning for the Blended Family

First, congratulations. We love helping families who are coming together. In addition to some of the emotional implications that make come along with blending your family, it is also important to get your financial arrangements in order. Here are some top suggestions before you tie the knot:


Seattle Moving Towards a City-Funded “Safe Consumption Site” for Heroin Addicts – Guest Blogger

What is an ADF?

Substance abuse, homelessness, and Child Protective Services (CPS) involvement are intertwined in a huge and complex fashion.  We previously wrote about how Seattle formed a task force to address both heroin use and homelessness. With opioid overdoses accounting for about  30,000 U.S. deaths in o…

Post Divorce Financial Checklist

New Year, New You: 5 Ways a Divorce Can Inspire Positive Change in Your Life

Every divorce is different and brings unique challenges. However, with every breakup comes a re-definition, a movement when you move from being a couple to an individual. While it is not unusual to experience feelings of loss, loneliness, or grief, this can also be a time of self-reflection and growth. So how do you ring in the New Year with a new and improved you? Today, I share my top five tips for moving on from divorce with grace, joy, and, yes, enthusiasm.