February 2017

Collaborative Law for Prenuis

13 Questions to Ask Before Getting Married

Before walking down the aisle with your new spouse it is important to have a heart-to-heart conversation regarding some fundamentals of your relationship. Open, honest and frequent communication with your soon-to-be spouse can pave the way to a wonderful relationship; and the NY Times has some su…

How Can Trump Impact Your Parental Rights?

Navigation Center – Can it work in Seattle?

We previously wrote about some innovative approaches Seattle was considering that were utilized by other major cities to address the growing homelessness crisis. One of these solutions was the Navigation Center model from San Francisco. This model was used as a way to migrate entire encampments i…

Thinking About Divorce? Top Tips from a Family Law Professional

Thinking About Divorce? Top Tips from a Family Law Professional

We have already shared our guide to selecting divorce professionals, but perhaps you are not quite ready to move into the divorce category. What should you keep in mind while weighing your options? Our Divorce Attorneys weigh in:

No Sudden Moves: Don’t relocate from the family home, make larg…

How One Family Fought CPS

Child Welfare Needs a Solution

We wrote about a potential dramatic restructuring of our state’s child welfare system that would aim, among many other things, to address state worker turnover. One proponent of this plan is The Seattle Times, which argues that the state would get better outcomes by shifting focus to a prevention…

Who Gets the Embryos?

Is Tom Brady the Greatest Ever?

For many the Super Bowl presented a brief respite from the political reality and Trump-dominated headlines of 2017. Whether it’s from the Tuck Rule Game, Spygate, Deflategate, their strange relationship with our new POTUS, or the inherent disdain for dynasties from those who yearn for just one ch…

What is Custodial Interference?

What is Custodial Interference?

A client may come to our office in a panic when the other parent has kept their child in violation of the parenting plan. In addition to speaking to their family law attorney regarding a potential habeaus corpus, or contempt action they are interested in learning about custodial interference, but…