Divorce and Separation

How to Get a Prenup In Washington State

How to Get a Prenup in Washington State

Prenuptial agreements (also known as prenups) can play a pivotal role in safeguarding individual spousal rights in the event of divorce and can also strengthen a marriage.

Valentine’s Day Survival Guide for Singles

Valentine’s Day Survival Guide for Singles

Valentine’s Day can be tricky for single parents, maybe even you. Unpartnered, at least for the time being, you might not foresee your plans fitting into conventional images of the holiday. But that doesn’t have to be. Valentine’s Day, when you’re single, can be more than a day you need to survive. It can be a day to look forward to.

Is January Actually ‘Divorce Month’?

Is January Actually ‘Divorce Month’?

Classifying January as divorce month could be misleading, given how some of the numbers tell a different story. However, one thing remains clear: January is a great time for a fresh start.

How Do a Prenup and a Postnup Differ in Washington State?

How Do a Prenup and a Postnup Differ in Washington State?

Prenups and postnups can strengthen a marriage, given how they require relationship partners to put their cards on the table for each other to see, offering transparency and peace of mind. Despite their similarities, there are a few significant differences between the two.