Family and Parenting

Someone in handcuffs

Dependency and Incarcerated Parents by Randall Enlow

Incarcerated parents have an especially difficult time maintaining a meaningful role in their dependency cases for many reasons, including:

·             DSHS often has little to no information on the parent, including their name and basic whereabouts. They often rely on the other parent for t…

Tips for Successful Co-parenting

Paternity leave – diapers, bonding and being a good husband…..

If you don’t already know anecdotally, cursory Googling will show how working parents in the U.S. face a bleak picture for parental leave. While new mothers generally don’t get enough time off, new fathers get even less so, if any. When my son was born last year most of my family and friends had …

Who Gets the Embryos?

What Does a Box Of Chocolate Have to Do with Relocation?

Your Box of Chocolates – Choose wisely

It’s not all a matter of law and presumptions – relocation that actually serves the child’s best interest is also a matter of sacrifice, selflessness, sharing and doing what is right for the children without regard to what might be “fair” or “reasonable.”…

Should there be a National Divorce Law?

Summer is Nearly Here – Get those vacation plans nailed down

Summer is nearly here, and so is the end of the school year. Many parenting agreements allow for parents to have extended time with their children, so do not delay in advising the other parent which days you want. Often, parents are scheduling trips right now, reserving hotel rooms, buying plane …

Mindful Co-parenting

Telling the kids…

Telling the kids about the divorce is a dreaded conversation.  Everyone is nervous and anxious and sometimes very angry.   Have a joint plan, practice it, and then implement it with love and flexibility because things never go as planned. The key is to avoid trauma and conflict.  Present a united…

How do Children see Step-parents?

How do Children see Step-parents?

A single divorce is hard enough on children, but second marriages have a higher risk for divorce than first marriages. How do children think about multiple sets of step-parents? That’s what scientists at University of Missouri College of Human Environmental Sciences decided to study.
They interv…

8 Rules for Co-Parenting Success

8 Rules for Co-Parenting Success

Any successful co-parenting relationship needs structure. These structures can keep things cool and civil between you and your ex so you can focus on your children. Whether you’re married or not, your children are learning about you and about relationships by seeing how you act with each other.