
Is Big Brother or the Seattle Police Department Watching You?

Is Big Brother or the Seattle Police Department Watching You?

The Seattle Police Department broke at least one Seattle law when they purchased and used Geofeedia, a CIA funded Surveillance Company that tracks social media posts and can tell users what you said, where you posted from as well as find other posts in your area. Secretly buying this software vio…

Vice President Debate by Guest Blogger

The Debate

The first presidential debate of 2016 kicked off the past Monday evening with Clinton and Trump going head to head on issues ranging from police brutality, to clean energy, to foreign policy.  In general, Clinton was thought to have had an all around better performance than Mr. Trump in this deba…

Who Gets the Embryos?

Who Gets the Embryos?

We live in an amazing time, when couples of all shapes and sorts can come together to form a family. These bonds can be beautiful, diverse and complex. Take for example the issue of frozen embryos, a technology which has opened the gates to parenthood but also resulted in thorny ethical and legal…

Who Gets the Embryos?

What is Ahead for Brangelina?

The world was rocked yesterday by the announcement that Angelina Jolie had filed for divorce from husband Brad Pitt. The couple has been together for more than 10 years but married only recently in 2014. They had made a promise not to marry until the same rights were afforded to their same sex co…

Texas Judge Grants Same-Sex Divorce after Long Fight

Reject Hate, Intolerance and Bigotry – 21 Year Old Female Guest Blogger

Just when you thought Donald Trump could not get more reprehensible, he does. He is always upping the ante, but this most recent declaration of his intentions on abortion may be the most far right, tea party esque stance yet. In all honesty, I hate writing about Donald Trump. I am tired of his ha…

The Divide Widens … Guest Blogger

The Divide Widens … Guest Blogger

In the wake of racial tension between the police in minority communities in the United States, the largest union of law enforcement with more than 330,000 members has endorsed Donald Trump for president   This action seems entirely counter productive to the goals outlined by the Obama administrat…

Child Support and Fiscal Emergencies

Emergency in Child Welfare

A couple weeks back we highlighted an article which told the story of a California family that fought CPS for the return of their children and ended up being part of a lawsuit against the state. That article used that family’s story to shed light on greater systemic issues with the child welfare …

Should there be a National Divorce Law?

Why Donald Trump and Mike Pence are Dangerous for Women? by Guest Blogger

Donald Trump has a well-documented history of making demoralizing and misogynistic comments about women. His comments are not only offensive to women in general, but he has even gone so far as to make sexually explicit comments about his eldest daughter and business partner, Ivanka Trump.  Lat…

Should there be a National Divorce Law?

Roe v. Wade, Legal but Accessible?

TRAP laws have been on the rise over the past several years across the United States.  They represent a terrifying trend concerning restricted choice for sexual and reproductive health for women in the United States. The term “TRAP” stands for Targeted Regulation on Abortion Providers  In June of…