Can a Judge Prevent You From Seeing Your Kids If You’re Unvaccinated?
A Canadian judge recently said yes. According to this article from Insider, a judge ruled an unvaccinated father would not be permitted to see his
A Canadian judge recently said yes. According to this article from Insider, a judge ruled an unvaccinated father would not be permitted to see his
The nuances of abortion are not something readily discussed in our society. Abortion is a hot button issue that many people feel strongly about on both sides of the isle and I view this issue through a limited partisan lens, often ignoring both scientific and economic facts. One of the most strik…
Trump’s “America First” budget outline would throw a major wrench in many proposed transit developments in King County and the greater Puget Sound area. This is coming at a time when Seattle construction and development is at an all-time high with no signs of slowing down. Trump’s new blueprint w…
The GOP unveiled their new healthcare plan last week. For years, conservatives have railed against the Affordable Care Act and vowed to replace it with a better and more affordable alternative. As it turns out, there was no real plan in place and they began scrambling to put something together i…
Will our increasingly polarized political climate have a future impact on divorce? Following the election of Donald Trump, there were several viral news stories about women leaving their husbands over their political differences. Is this justifiable? Should there be a marriage vow clause for “in …
We previously wrote about some innovative approaches Seattle was considering that were utilized by other major cities to address the growing homelessness crisis. One of these solutions was the Navigation Center model from San Francisco. This model was used as a way to migrate entire encampments i…
We wrote about a potential dramatic restructuring of our state’s child welfare system that would aim, among many other things, to address state worker turnover. One proponent of this plan is The Seattle Times, which argues that the state would get better outcomes by shifting focus to a prevention…
Panic, fear and confusion are widespread after Donald Trump’s seven nation immigration ban was signed into law and begun to take immediate effect. Students and faculty alike are shock that such drastic change was implemented so quickly. There are over 17,000 students currently studying here in th…
With Trump officially sworn in as the 45 President of the United States; many are running to their local family lawyer. Why? Because parentage rights may be in question. In Washington State one parent is considered the biological parent of the child and the other presumptive parent. This can get …