Money and Assets

States Wrestle with New Spousal Maintenance Realities

States Wrestle with New Spousal Maintenance Realities

Stereotypes of spousal maintenance normally have the man paying maintenance to the woman, but in today’s world the income of men and women are much more equal than just a few decades ago. This has lead to numerous challenges about whether or not spousal maintenance is really necessary. And with t…

Consider Hiring a Financial Adviser

Consider Hiring a Financial Adviser

Any divorce involves financial issues, but the older you get the more complicated the situation becomes. Ideally, both parties come away with enough money to support themselves and divide their assets according the the law. However, if one partner has been taking care of the finances for 30 years…

Child Support and Fiscal Emergencies

Child Support and Fiscal Emergencies

An emergency situation may make it difficult for someone to pay child support on time for a month, or even two, but when it it happens long enough for tens of thousands of dollars to be owed, the state may take action. They may even arrest the deadbeat parent for non-payment.
The child support e…

Track your Child Support Payments

Track your Child Support Payments

When you pay child support, it is very important that the Division of Child Support knows how payments are being arranged, but it is also important to keep an eye on your credit. Child support agencies can report child support arrears to credit agencies, and ruining your credit report.
One man i…

Employer Caught Stealing Money from Child Support Payments

Employer Caught Stealing Money from Child Support Payments

There are many stories about deadbeat parents who don’t pay their child support, but paying child support is more than just sending checks to your ex. There is actually a long chain of individuals that assist in the process. Employers are one important chain. Most of the child support in this cou…

Crisis in Child Welfare

What to do if you stop Receiving Child Support Payments

If your ex-spouse is honorable, they will comply with court orders for child support payments as best as they can. However, if they cannot or will not comply, the Division of Child Support has several options to enforce them to pay.
The Division of Child Support is responsible for providing chil…

Court Orders Property Sale for Spousal Maintenance Payments

Court Orders Property Sale for Spousal Maintenance Payments

Spousal maintenance payments can force people to make very difficult decisions. When a court calculates spousal maintenance, all the assets of the one who is paying are taken into account, not just income. Someone paying may have to sell land, rental property, or other tangible assets to raise th…

“The Donald” at it Again – Can Nobody Control Him?

Understanding Community Property

Washington is a community property state. This has very important implications in divorce cases. In community property states, most of the property of a couple is considered jointly owned. When a divorce happens, it is split equally among the parties. However, this also includes debts. In a nutsh…

New Federal Child Support Rules Under Discussion

New Federal Child Support Rules Under Discussion

States don’t just have their own child support laws, but must also follow federal law on the matter. Last year, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Child Support Enforcement put up a list of proposed changes for public comment. The response was positive, though some legisl…

One Very Expensive Divorce in Russia

One Very Expensive Divorce in Russia

Many of the divorces that hit the newswires are from extremely rich people. The complexity of assets from multi-billionaires and the rich lifestyles they lead make these cases very hard to try. One Russian oligarch may be in for the world’s most expensive divorce. The total payout could be more t…