Money and Assets

Collaborative Law for Prenuis

Own a Business, Better Sign a Pre-Nup

A prenuptial agreement is a contract entered into by a couple before marriage. The prenup spells out the property rights of one or both of the parties involved in the case of death or divorce. When you are setting up your business, you may not be considering how your marriage will impact it, but …

Divorce, Social Security and Remarriage

Divorce, Social Security and Remarriage

Social security is often misunderstood. Many clients struggle to understand their own benefits, let alone their spouse, or ex spouse’s. Unfortunately, this means many Americans are failing to receive their full benefits. According to a survey conducted by MassMutual more than 55 percent of Americ…

3 Ways Divorce Can Impact Your Health

Who Does Marriage Serve in 2016? – Guest Blogger

In recent years, marriage rates have hit an all time low in the United States. Some speculate that this is a result of increasing financial independence for women. Without the economic imperative to marry, women are more selective in their dating habits and seek qualities beyond financial stabili…

Collaborative Law for Prenuis

Getting Married Again? You May Need a Prenup to Protect your Kids.

A prenuptial agreement is a contract entered into by a couple before marriage. The prenup spells out the property rights of one or both of the parties involved. One of the most common situations calling for a prenup in Washington is the second marriage involving children. Why?

Pre-marital agre…

What About the Beloved Family Pet?

What About the Beloved Family Pet?

Divorce is never easy but it is especially complicated when you share responsibility for living creatures with your spouse. There are legal guidelines in place to navigate child custody but what about pet custody? Ever increasingly couples share pets instead of children. This presents a difficult…

Collaborative Law for Prenuis

Rise in Prenups Requested by Parents

Many young couples are facing serious difficulties when it comes to entering the housing market. With student debts high and the cost of housing skyrocketing it may come as no surprise that more and more couples are getting assistance from mom and dad to make their first home purchase.
While par…

Spending money in college?

Spending money in college?

What is a good amount of spending money for my son in college?  That was the question posted to a private university’s Facebook page.  Well, my quick, brilliant advice of course was “the amount your kid earns should be his spending money in my humble opinion.”
Well, that was not the desired answ…

Employer Caught Stealing Money from Child Support Payments

The Financial Impacts of Divorce that You Need to Think About NOW

If divorce is looming, now is the time to start thinking about money. Divorce can impact your finances for many years to come so get a game plan and follow that plan.
Immediate Costs/Considerations
Each person’s facts are different but here is a list of some immediate financial considerations:…