Prenuptial Agreements

Pre-nups – a good thing

Pre-nups – a good thing

Top reasons why a pre-nup is good for every couple
1.     Pre-nups are practical
More than 50% of marriages end in divorce in the USA. No happily engaged couple wants to hear depressing statistics on divorce, but if you believe yourself to be at all practical, a pre-nup is a necessary part of e…

A small cat laying down

Consider a Prenup Agreement for your Pet

Dividing property in a divorce is difficult, but it can be excruciating when it comes to pets. Pets are treated like property. There’s no custody fight for them in the eyes of the law, but fighting over who gets a pet can feel like fighting over custody of a child.
One way that couples are avoid…

Why Is It Easier to Get Married than to Get Divorced? (Some Helpful Advice from a Twenty-Something)

Consider Seeing a Counselor Before Marriage

One of the best things you can do for your marriage is to see a counselor. In fact, if you can see one before you get married that’s even better. Many couples don’t see a marriage counselor until problems are well-entrenched and a lot of hurt has built up. Learning what problems may be sneaking u…