Self Improvement

5 Simple Ways to Be a Better Parent After Divorce

5 Simple Ways to Be a Better Parent After Divorce

Set Aside Time for Your Kids

Getting a divorce can be quite time consuming, and life after divorce can be equally as busy. Before you become too swamped, it’s important to set aside time specifically for you and your children. Even if the day ahead of you is looking hectic, try to enjoy t…

Respect in Conflict Resolution

Respect in Conflict Resolution

As family law attorneys, we are involved in some of life’s biggest conflicts.  Conflict is normal and expected in family law matters.  After all, there is a dispute over a relationship of some kind or we wouldn’t be here.  When involved in a divorce, custody dispute or other matter, the parties a…

A woman having fun on a hike

3 Ways to Make Yourself Happier Right Now

Happiness has to come from within. Money or a perfect relationship can ease stress day to day but the only thing that will bring you true happiness is yourself. This terrifying fact requires that you first take responsibility for your current state of happiness (or unhappiness).

Accept yours…

A woman stressed while on the computer

What Resentment Does to a Marriage – Death By a Thousand Paper Cuts

In most cases, divorces are not prompted by a single concrete moment of conflict or a dramatic affair. The death of your relationship is the result of a million tiny paper cuts that eventually create an accumulation of wounds so severe there is no healing them. As soon as mutual respect is lost i…

Why you should probably let go of the idea of fairness

Why you should probably let go of the idea of fairness

There is nothing fair about divorce. Whether you or your spouse initiated the divorce, is it probable that you married this person with the intention of growing old together and that is no longer a possibility. That itself is unfair.
As far as the divorce process goes, being hung up on eve…

Woman are Settling

Woman are Settling

Today I saw a woman post in a Facebook group I belong to about her recent miscarriage and how supportive her husband has been during the process. It made me deeply sad to read so many other women (96 comments) say things to the effect of “youre so lucky your husband is very supportive” and “Im …

Are You Furious? A Guide

Are You Furious? A Guide

Are you feeling angry? Many of the same issues that led to divorce may resurface and could be exacerbated by the divorce process. What is a person to do when they are a on the receiving end of their soon-to-be-exs anger, blame or hostility, and how should you deal with your own anger?


The Family Home and Divorce

Why resentment is the number one marriage killer

According to Stanford University, “…nearly 70% of women initiated a divorce.” Psychologists argue that this is the result of building resentment resulting from years of emotional miscommunication. Women typically seek deep levels of emotional connection, including support, which often goes unmet …

Three Types of Friends That Are Unhelpful in a Divorce

Three Types of Friends That Are Unhelpful in a Divorce

During a life-changing event such as divorce it is normal to seek guidance and support from friends. For the most part this support is beneficial but there are those friends, who despite their best intentions, create negative energy and may impede your judgment in the divorce process.

The fr…

Two common conflict tactics that are counterproductive

Why Parental Alienation is Harmful and How to Avoid it

Parental alienation occurs when a child, during a high conflict divorce, aligns himself or herself on the side of one parent to the detriment of their relationship with/completely alienation of the other parent. There are concrete steps you can take to avoid this situation, as it is harmful for a…