Self Improvement

A father and daughter having fun at the beach

Find Your Passion Through Envy – Put that Green Monster to Work

We are all taught that envy is negative.  I agree that envy with no action is only negative.  But envy with action helps one focus their passion.
What I mean is to let the “Green Monster” help you find what you crave, what you are passionate about but might be too timid or scared to admit.  Pay …

When does Online Activity become Infidelity?

Don’t Open Your Water Bottle on the Plane

As I sit snugly between two professional men on a flight to Washington DC, I find myself laughing about the absurdity of things.  Silly me, I opened my water bottle on the flight and, unbeknownst to me, the pressure had impacted the water which proceeded to forcefully spray copious amounts of col…

Grit – What is it?  Do you have it?

Grit – What is it? Do you have it?

Everyone is talking about Angela Duckworth’s new book, Grit, The Power of Passion and Perseverance, even Pete Carroll, who is apart of the book and who met with Dr. Duckworth at Seattle University recently.  Among Grit’s most insightful takeaways: Effort counts twice toward your goals, Grit can b…

divorce peacemaking woody mosten

divorce peacemaking woody mosten

When considering divorce and and seeking out legal counsel, ask yourself – do you want an attorney who can bite the hardest or do you want an attorney who can help you build the most durable agreements which focus on your children’s well-being both now and in the future while at the same time ens…

Tips for Successful Co-parenting

Paternity leave – diapers, bonding and being a good husband…..

If you don’t already know anecdotally, cursory Googling will show how working parents in the U.S. face a bleak picture for parental leave. While new mothers generally don’t get enough time off, new fathers get even less so, if any. When my son was born last year most of my family and friends had …

Most Divorces Started by Women

Can Divorce Make you a Better Mom? A Better Dad?

The choice to divorce in a non-adversarial way can be faster, cheaper, easier, and demonstrate a sanity and family stability to the children.  Whether you call it collaborative divorce, cooperative divorce, conscious uncoupling, or just amicable co-parenting – I like to call it “acting like grown…

Sacred Cows of Marriage and Divorce

Sacred Cows of Marriage and Divorce

Google has been known to investigate some very strange areas. One couple who works for the company has decided to tackle the research on divorce and see if it really holds water. People throw around statistics about marriage and divorce all the time, but Astro Teller (yes, that’s his name) says t…

Practical Guide to Step-Parent Adoption

Apps to Help your Co-Parenting Journey

Co-parenting can have its ups and downs just like any other relationship. But if the feelings left over from your old relationship are so strong that you can’t stand to even see or hear from your ex, it can make it challenging to give your child the support they need. Fortunately, there are tools…

The Divide Widens … Guest Blogger

Reddit Thread on Family Law Stories Brings Thousands of Comments

Every lawyer of any stripe has their share of war stories, but the ones from family law can really take the cake. Reddit recently asked divorce lawyers to share some of their favorite divorce stories. Over 6500 comments have been added to the thread, and some of the stories are real doozies.

Grit – What is it?  Do you have it?

Reducing your Stress Levels in a Divorce

If you are undergoing a divorce you know how stressful it can be, but making a few small efforts can reduce the amount of stress you’re feeling. Most people who want a divorce want it to be as quick and painless as possible. The Huffington Post has some good advice on some things you can do to re…