Special Circumstances and Emergencies

How Do Parents Get Their Children Back in a Washington State Dependency Case?

How Do Parents Get Their Children Back in a Washington State Dependency Case?

A “dependency” case is a juvenile court case where someone, almost always the state through Child Protective Services (CPS), petitions the court for removal of the child from the parents and asks that the court make a finding that the child is “dependent” under Washington State law. A dependent c…

72 Hour Hearings: The First Court Hearing After Removal of a Child by CPS

72 Hour Hearings: The First Court Hearing After Removal of a Child by CPS

            In Washington State, when a child is removed from the home by CPS, by law there must be a court hearing within 72 hours (excluding weekends and holidays) known as a 72 Hour Shelter Care Hearing. CPS is required by law to make reasonable efforts to inform the parents that their child w…

The Intersection of Family Law Parenting Plans and Dependency (CPS) Cases

The Intersection of Family Law Parenting Plans and Dependency (CPS) Cases

A parenting plan is the order the family law court enters, most typically in cases of divorce and legal separation, to govern which parent the child will live with and when. But what happens to a parenting plan when a child is removed from the home by CPS and dependency case is established?


Filing for a Domestic Violence Protection Order

Filing for a Domestic Violence Protection Order

Domestic Violence Protection Orders are fee to file. You do not need to wait to be a victim of physical domestic violence to file for a protection order, but you do need to show fear of physical harm from someone with whom you have a romantic relationship or is a family member.

What is a Domes…

What is Custodial Interference?

What is Custodial Interference?

A client may come to our office in a panic when the other parent has kept their child in violation of the parenting plan. In addition to speaking to their family law attorney regarding a potential habeaus corpus, or contempt action they are interested in learning about custodial interference, but…

Seattle Moving Towards a City-Funded “Safe Consumption Site” for Heroin Addicts – Guest Blogger

What is an ADF?

Substance abuse, homelessness, and Child Protective Services (CPS) involvement are intertwined in a huge and complex fashion.  We previously wrote about how Seattle formed a task force to address both heroin use and homelessness. With opioid overdoses accounting for about  30,000 U.S. deaths in o…