Special Circumstances and Emergencies

Gun Safety and Domestic Violence in Washington

NFL and Domestic Violence – So Much More Needs to be Done

A couple weeks back we took a momentary hiatus from serious posts to discuss the NFL’s crackdown on player celebrations. League headlines recently got serious when it came to light that New York Giants and former Seahawks placekicker Josh Brown admitted to abusing his wife in 2015. Like the 2014 …

Gun Safety and Domestic Violence in Washington

Gun Safety and Domestic Violence in Washington

Since Washington State’s 201 decisions to implement background checks on the purchase of all firearms, gun violence has been steadily decreasing across the state.
However, the always-progressive Washingtonians, (or Seattleites I should say) are not satisfied just yet. They plan to do what many m…

Conscious co-parenting – from the eyes of a 19 year old (Child of divorce)

One Lucky Woman Survives Attack from Husband

Serving divorce papers is a difficult experience, but for some people it is extremely dangerous. While rare, people have been known to snap after getting served divorce papers. Their identity may be wrapped up so much into their marriage that they can’t handle the fact it is ending.
One woman in…