Divorce Fees Go Beyond the Lawyer

Divorce Fees Go Beyond the Lawyer
There are a number of fees that can surprise couples during a divorce, and it is important that both parties are aware of them. Forewarned is forearmed, and no one wants to deal with the stress of a divorce and suddenly get an unexpected bill on top of it. Here are some things to look for from an article in the St. Louis Post Dispatch:

Attorney’s Fees: Remember that attorneys are paid by the hour. The more you ask them questions the higher your bill will be. Come prepared to meetings.

Court fees: There’s a fee for filing the divorce, a fee for the court to serve your partner with papers, and a fee for the court reporter and any transcripts you need.

Mediation costs: Paying for a mediator can actually reduce your overall court costs. Many divorce cases get settled before trial during mediation. This can save a lot of money

Specialists: Depending on the situation, you may need a forensic accountant, forensic psychologist, or a mental health professional.

Additional fees: You may also need to pay for things like transferring titles and deeds from one partner to another, or transferring shares of stock.

Is the worry about the cost of divorce keeping you in an ugly marriage? Schedule a consultation from a skilled family law attorney so you can put those fears in perspective. Call Elise Buie Family Law Group, PLLC if you live in the state of Washington.


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