Find Your Passion Through Envy – Put that Green Monster to Work

A father and daughter having fun at the beach

We are all taught that envy is negative.  I agree that envy with no action is only negative.  But envy with action helps one focus their passion.

What I mean is to let the “Green Monster” help you find what you crave, what you are passionate about but might be too timid or scared to admit.  Pay close attention to whose life or work or relationship makes you envious.  Claim and own that envy and use that envy to help you figure out what makes you really tick.  Why are you envious?  What do you want to see change in your own life?  What do you want to achieve that you are not achieving?  What type of job do you want to have?  What type of financial security is important to you?  What type of relationship do you crave?  Do you want more free time?  Do you want more adventure?  Do you want more internal peace?  Do you have the needed self-confidence to make your cravings a reality?

It’s a great exercise to name 10 things that you crave.  

Write them down.  Read them aloud.  Own them.  Then, by all means, go get them!!! 


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