Spousal Support

Ensuring you can both live comfortably

You married and spent time establishing a life together. As you look to create separate lives, you need to carefully evaluate an equitable and supportive division of assets to ensure you can both live comfortably. One of you may have supported the other through college or saw tremendous career growth, or maybe one of you stepped back from your career to be a caregiver for your children. Whatever the circumstance, spousal support, also called spousal maintenance or alimony, is the legal mechanism to address the financial disparity in divorcing or separating couples’ incomes.


Our Washington-based family law attorneys can help secure your financial wellbeing during and after your divorce by evaluating potential temporary or long-term spousal support needs and requests. 


Options for Spousal Support in Washington


Support issues can be addressed and agreed upon as part of your negotiations or formally requested in court. It may be necessary to request temporary maintenance from the court to ensure your financial wellbeing while a settlement agreement can be worked out or trial preparations begin. You can work with our skilled spousal support lawyers to find the right solution for your financial situation.

Spousal Support


Awarding & Calculating Spousal Support

You can request support through legal separation or divorce. In Washington State, spousal support is based on need and ability to pay. The receiving spouse must have a need, and the paying spouse must have the ability to pay. The amount and length of any spousal support are dependent on several factors. Some of the factors considered when evaluating alimony in Washington State are:

  • Relative financial needs of both people
  • The ability to pay given other financial obligations
  • How long the couple has been married
  • Respective age and the physical and emotional health of both parties
  • The financial resources of the requesting spouse, taking into consideration their share of community property and child support orders
  • Whether one person gave up career opportunities to support the family

Our deeply experienced team can help assess the amount and duration of support that would be fair.


Terminating or Modifying Spousal Support Orders

Spousal support in Washington State may be modifiable under certain conditions. Your Final Divorce Order (Decree of Dissolution) should list conditions that will end spousal support automatically, such as remarriage by the receiving party. 
Often spousal support is ordered as non-modifiable. However, your life may change significantly after your divorce; you may find you can no longer afford to pay maintenance. If this applies to you, contact us. One of our spousal support attorneys can review your circumstances and discuss your options. If your ex seeks to reduce or cancel your spousal support, we will evaluate the options and negotiate terms to help meet your needs.


How to Find a Compassionate Washington-based Spousal Support Attorney



Judges have tremendous discretion to award or deny spousal maintenance in Washington State. However, decisions must be just and fair based on the specific facts of your case. The experienced alimony lawyers on our team can help evaluate your financial options for spousal support at every step in your case.


Whether you need financial support to continue your schooling, want to explore if modifying support is an option, or need help obtaining temporary support during divorce proceedings, we are here to help. Call our team today.

Spousal Support


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