Never Use Child Support as a Weapon

Never Use Child Support as a Weapon

Child support is meant for one purpose, to make sure that child is financially supported after a divorce. But there are times when a custodial parent tries to use child support as a weapon against their ex, seeking their financial destruction. This isn’t fair to the child, and it’s not fair to the parents either.

Such attempts at revenge may also backfire. The amount of child support set is not an arbitrary number. Family courts have guidelines that they must follow when assigning a child support amount. Often there are numerous exceptions to these guidelines for certain circumstances. All states are required to offer these guidelines to the public for their education before they enter family court.

Income is the primary factor in setting a level of support. Therefore, both parties should prepare complete financial statements and sign financial affidavits before their court date. If there is a source of income that may fall into an exception, mark those so you can discuss them in the court room. If you’re cordial with your partner and can set up an agreement in accordance with the guidelines, that will make your trip through the courtroom much faster.

The more cordial and collaborative you can make your divorce, the faster the process will be. We would never say divorce is pleasant, but there are many things both sides can do to avoid emotions from interfering with the legal process. For resources and information on how to obtain a divorce in Washington, contact Elise Buie Family Law Group, PLLC today.


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