Parenting Plans are Great if Done Right

8 Rules for Co-Parenting Success

Design a Parenting Plan that Helps the Kids

Although it seems overwhelming to transition from a one family home to a two-family home, a knowledgeable attorney and sound advice from parenting experts allow you to move forward positively for you and your kids. Kids will now have 2 houses filled with love.  A solid parenting plan will:

  •  honor your family’s traditions
  •  sensitively address complex scheduling issues for multiple children
  •  strengthen and deepen the parent/child bond
  •  ensure each parent has ample vacation time with the children each year
  •  create holiday schedules that are both fair and meaningful for everyone

One Area Where Predictability is Good Rather than Just Boring

Predictability is one of the most important factors to take into consideration when designing your parenting plan for your kids. The psychological research on children of divorce is clear on this point – children need consistency to grow up psychologically sound after their parents divorce. We stay on top of the research literature so that we can help you devise a parenting plan that helps your children thrive.  Elise is also a court-appointed Guardian ad Litem who advocates in the best interest of children in high-conflict matters so uses that experience to help her clients avoid such conflicts. 

Call our office today (206) 926-9848.


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