Paternity Leave for Zuckerberg

Tips for Successful Co-parenting

Experts understand that children do best when both parents work together to raise their children. Companies are increasingly allowing more generous paternity benefits as they recognize the need for fathers to be involved parents too. As stars like Zuckerberg publicly take paternity leave, they begin to set the stage toward an encouraging trend in more generous leave policies nationwide.

Mark Zuckerberg, billionaire, public figure and CEO of Facebook, began leave in December, and won’t be returning to Facebook until the new year according to News Sources at CNBC. This is part of Facebook’s leave policy, which allowed him to take parental leave in separate parts. This month he will begin his second stint of leave to allow for more active parenting over the holiday. According to Zuckerberg: “At Facebook, we offer four months of maternity and paternity leave because studies show that when working parents take time to be with their newborns, it’s good for the entire family.”

Of course, not all Americans are lucky enough to be granted parental leave. The US is far behind other nations in providing parental leave but the more celebrities and public figures take advantage of these leave policies the more likely families will begin to benefit as well.

Fathers are increasingly being recognized in the divorce process as equal players when it comes to the care of children, but it remains critical to work with a family law attorney in understanding your rights and options when it comes to formulating a parenting plan in Washington.

We understand that divorce can be complicated which is why we have lawyers here to help. Having an experienced divorce lawyer can make all the difference to your process. Because we focus solely on family law, we understand the dynamics fathers face and can help guide you through your divorce. Please contact Elise Buie Family Law Group, PLLC for a consultation regarding your divorce. For more information about collaborative divorce or mediation please visit our website. 


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