Presidential Debacle – by Ian Buie

This week’s second presidential debate was as nonsensical and insufficient of a political showing as the nation expected; it is a worrisome predicament that we have all somehow let become our reality. The candidates’ responses to the audiences’ questions were, for the most part, so unresponsive and irrelevant that I don’t even feel it’s worth it to discuss them but if you wish to analyze them here is a link to of the full debate transcript;

On another much more troubling note, if Donald Trump’s recently released comments in a 2005 interview with Billy Bush are not enough to disqualify him as fit to be the President of the Unites States of America then I am actually clueless as to what could do so. The man literally bragged about sexually assaulting married women. It’s incredible.

I am not the least bit shocked at Trump’s comments; the man is a walking, talking cartoon that perfectly embodies the spectacle of misguided, narcissistic evil that he has proven time and again to be. There are more men out in our society that share those exact same sentiments than anyone wants to believe so his comments aren’t particularly surprising to me, what shocks me the most is the incredible stupidity shown by Mr. Trump to get on the radio and spew that misogynistic garbage for the whole world to hear. My personal favorite comment in these eye-opening interviews was when he was asked about the possibility of a conflict of interest when sleeping with Miss Universe contestants, he said; “it’s the kind of thing you worry about later, you tend to think about the conflict a little bit later on,” and added that, “as the owner of the pageant, it’s your obligation to do that.” Yes Donald, that’s exactly what we want, a president who thinks about the possible consequences of his actions “a little later on.” That may actually be the number one quality to look for when choosing a leader; long-term vision, something Trump appears to be perfectly content lacking.

His excuse was simply that his statements were nothing more than “locker room banter.” I have been on athletic teams throughout my entire life and I will tell you right now that yes, Mr. Trump’s comments are undeniably locker room banter; that is actually probably the exact term I would use to describe them. That being said, locker room banter is some of the most crude, disrespectful, unethical and immoral speech there is; frankly, it’s often quite disgusting and I am incredibly confused as to why he would choose that analogy to justify his comments because that is exactly where the most deplorable comments are made. The fact that our Republican Nominee, one of two possible candidates to become the most powerful person in the world thinks that he can speak like an unmonitored, poorly raised, mean, testosterone filled teenager should be more than enough evidence that the man is unfit for any profession where he interacts with human beings in any way, shape, or form. At this point, neither presidential outcome is being viewed as a very pretty picture by anyone but let’s not mess this up so bad that we have to endure four years of irreplaceable damage and jaw dropping ethical decisions.


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