
Getting the help you need

Please contact the proper authorities if you are in immediate danger. Your safety and well-being are of paramount importance to us.  

If you are the victim of domestic violence or you are dealing with substance abuse, mental health issues, parental kidnapping, incarceration, missing persons, or citizenship as part of a family law matter, Elise Buie Family Law’s experienced family law attorneys can help you navigate the legal system and negotiate a settlement, allowing you to move forward with healing.


Domestic Violence


If you are the victim of domestic violence, deciding to leave can be very scary, but you can break free and leave with the proper support. Our family law attorneys can help you have the life you want, one where you are not scared for yourself or your children. But we want to make sure you are safe first. For more information on how to get the help, visit the Washington State Domestic Violence Information and Referral website or call the national domestic violence hotline at 800-799-7233.


According to the U.S. Department of Justice, 1.3 million women and 835,000 men are physically assaulted by an intimate partner every year in the U.S. You are not alone, and there is no shame in your circumstance.


The fact that domestic violence has been in your relationship does not necessarily dictate how you can move forward with your divorce or parenting plan. The family attorneys at Elise Buie Family Law are experienced in identifying power and control issues. 


Elise has been appointed by the courts in Snohomish and King County as a guardian ad litem, an advocate for children in cases often involving domestic violence. Our team can help you understand your options, mitigate conflict, and help you reach a settlement focused on your desired outcome and what matters most to you.



Domestic Violence Protection Orders


Protection Order

A protection order is issued in civil court without criminal charges. It requires that harm has occurred or is likely to occur. If you seek a domestic violence order of protection or have been served with one, our Washington-based domestic violence family law attorneys can help.


Restraining Order

Restraining orders are similar to protective orders, although they are broader in scope. Like domestic abuse protective orders, restraining orders are civil court orders restricting family or household members from further violence toward victims. Restraining orders are typically filed as part of a divorce, paternity, or other family law case, but they can also address other issues besides domestic violence.


No-Contact Orders in Seattle

A no-contact order is a result of criminal domestic violence charges. If you are criminally charged with household violence, no-contact orders restrict you from speaking with or seeing the alleged victim. Our attorneys can help you pursue a no-contact order if you are facing domestic violence at home.


Speak With a Domestic Violence Attorney

The attorneys at Elise Buie Family Law are here to help you take positive steps to ensure your family’s safety through legal action. Please call our Washington domestic violence lawyers today.


Other Emergencies

Substance Abuse

Addiction can take a toll on families. Washington is a no-fault state, so addiction would have no bearing on whether a divorce will be granted. Substance abuse can, however, impact custody and support decisions made by the court if you are unable to negotiate the terms of your divorce through mediation or another form of alternative dispute resolution.


Having a skilled family law attorney who has experience dealing with substance abuse can help make the divorce process more manageable and help mitigate conflict.


Mental Health

Washington State is a no-fault state, so the mental health of either party is irrelevant to whether a divorce will be granted. It can, however, be a factor when considering the division of assets, ongoing support, and child custody. If you have questions about how mental health may impact your divorce or parenting plan, one of our experienced family law attorneys can help.


Parental Kidnapping

If you are sure the other parent has taken your child against your court-ordered parenting plan and you cannot locate the child or get them back through peaceful means, you should contact your local Sheriff’s Department to file a custodial interference report. 


The laws regarding custody and visitation in Washington are complex. If you believe you are being denied your rightful access to your child, you should speak with a family law attorney from Elise Buie Family Law. We can help you reclaim custody or enforce other aspects of your parenting plan.


High-Conflict Relationships

Maybe you and your ex have always had conflict, or perhaps the divorce process or the nature of parenting has brought to light behaviors you previously had not experienced. No matter the circumstance, working through issues with a high-conflict personality will be challenging. There may be false allegations, attempts to argue for the sake of arguing, or a lack of a shared focus on family success. 


Whether negotiating the terms of your divorce or negotiating the next summer break with the kids, a family lawyer with conflict resolution training can help you manage the process and bring in additional experts if needed.



What should you do if your intended ex or co-parent is incarcerated?  The answer is it depends. This response is not meant to be evasive, but the circumstances and nature of your partner or ex’s incarceration will dictate the options and outcomes of your intended action. There may be special child support or custody issues to consider. It is important to have a skilled family law attorney to help you understand how best to move forward. 


Missing Persons

If your spouse cannot be found and you want a divorce in Washington State, there may be alternatives to service that can be considered. Speak with a Washington family lawyer to understand the search requirements and process for divorce by publication.



If you are not a U.S. citizen, a divorce can affect your eligibility for naturalization. You will want to speak with an immigration attorney regarding your legal status before moving forward with a separation or divorce with the help of a family law attorney.


Additional complexities arise if you and your partner share children. Washington courts can generally divide assets held in other countries and determine a residential schedule for minor children. Still, they may not be able to enforce certain provisions pertaining to assets and children located outside of the country. 


Engaging a family law attorney with international experience can help negotiate a settlement that keeps your family’s long-term success the primary focus.



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Blog Posts

Hear from a Seattle family law attorney about how to defend against false allegations in a Washington state divorce.

Popular culture is using the moniker "America's daughter" to describe Gabby Petito because she could've been any of our daughters. Learn how to talk to your daughter about the signs of domestic abuse.

Divorcing your spouse while they're battling an addiction can be grueling for you and your children. We can help you navigate your options for a brighter tomorrow.

If you are unsure about what will happen to your animals while you leave an abusive situation, ask an attorney about safety planning for pets in a domestic violence situation.

A “dependency” case is a juvenile court case where someone, almost always the state through Child Protective Services (CPS), petitions the court for removal of the child from the parents and asks that the court make a finding that the child is “dependent” under Washington State law. A dependent c...

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A parenting plan is the order the family law court enters, most typically in cases of divorce and legal separation, to govern which parent the child will live with and when. But what happens to a parenting plan when a child is removed from the home by CPS and dependency case is established?


Domestic Violence Protection Orders are fee to file. You do not need to wait to be a victim of physical domestic violence to file for a protection order, but you do need to show fear of physical harm from someone with whom you have a romantic relationship or is a family member.

What is a Domes...

A client may come to our office in a panic when the other parent has kept their child in violation of the parenting plan. In addition to speaking to their family law attorney regarding a potential habeaus corpus, or contempt action they are interested in learning about custodial interference, but...

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A couple weeks back we took a momentary hiatus from serious posts to discuss the NFL's crackdown on player celebrations. League headlines recently got serious when it came to light that New York Giants and former Seahawks placekicker Josh Brown admitted to abusing his wife in 2015. Like the 2014 ...

Many of you woke up this morning to the news that yet another mass shooting has occurred. On September 23rd in Arlington, about an hour north of Seattle, a lone gunner shot and killed 4 women and one man at the cosmetic counter of a Macy's inside the mall. According to witnesses speaking to Kiro ...

Since Washington State's 201 decisions to implement background checks on the purchase of all firearms, gun violence has been steadily decreasing across the state.
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