What is Ahead for Brangelina?

Who Gets the Embryos?

The world was rocked yesterday by the announcement that Angelina Jolie had filed for divorce from husband Brad Pitt. The couple has been together for more than 10 years but married only recently in 2014. They had made a promise not to marry until the same rights were afforded to their same sex counterparts. Together they share 6 children.

Rumors have swirled that Angelina left Brad because she was concerned with his parenting capabilities. According to numerous reports, she is seeking full custody of their 6 children. Tabloids have suggested that Brad may have had an extra marital affair but the couple has confirmed none of these rumors.

Celebrity divorces are contentious at best.  Angelina Jolie has been married and divorced twice before, first to Johnny Lee Miller and next to Billy Bob Thornton.  Brad Pitt famously left his first wife Jennifer Aniston for Angelina Jolie after meeting her on the set of Mr. and Mrs. Smith.  

This time around the stakes are much higher for both parties. Several celebrity divorce attorneys have speculated that the main point of conflict in this divorce will undoubtedly be the question of custody. Between Brad’s work schedule and potential parenting issues, and Angelina’s health related struggles this will most likely be a messy fight.  This divorce will most likely have a notable absence of financial related conflicts, as both parties are incredibly wealthy separately.  

Let’s just hope that each of them understands the importance of reducing their conflict for their children’s best interest.  It’s the conflict that harms the children not just the divorce itself. 


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