When someone close to you is accused of heinous crimes, it can push you to want to get a divorce. When the charge is child pornography, you may fear for the safety of your children. The national news about Jared Fogel, the former spokesman for Subway, and his entanglement with child pornography has sparked his wife to obtain a divorce.
Once the full severity of the charges were revealed and the details of the plea agreement were known to her, she took steps to secure the safety of her children. Fortunately, Fogel is working with investigators, mental health professionals, and now divorce attorneys to obtain a quick and amicable settlement before he faces his sentence. He is accused of possessing child pornography and sleeping with an underage girl.
The current plea deal before the judge is for Fogel to serve a five-year sentence. It remains to be seen whether or not it will be accepted.
If your spouse has committed a serious crime and you want to obtain a divorce, seek help. Contact a skilled family law attorney. If you live in Washington, contact Elise Buie Family Law Group, PLLC. We will fight hard to get you out of a bad relationship. Call today.