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Bill and Melinda Gates Announce Split and Ultra High-Net-Worth Divorce With More Than Money at Stake: How They Can Keep Their Divorce Amicable

Bill and Melinda Gates Announce Split and Ultra High-Net-Worth Divorce With More Than Money at Stake: How They Can Keep Their Divorce Amicable

A high-net-worth divorce doesn’t necessarily have to become a circus or take years to finalize. With awareness, a couple with extensive assets can emerge from a divorce financially and emotionally sound, ready for a solid future. But it will require a commitment from both parties to ensure that happens. As a Seattle family law attorney, here are a few of my tips to keep tensions at bay. 

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3 Steps to an Ironclad Prenuptial Agreement

What Is a CR2A and Why Do I Want One?

CR2A refers to Court Rule 2A, a Washington State civil rule which governs agreements made out of court. In simple terms, if you and/or your attorneys sign an agreement during mediation, for example, or sometime before a trial, that agreement will be enforceable in court.

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Is it Time for a Legal Checkup?

Is it Time for a Legal Checkup?

It’s important to visit your physician when you notice some change in your health. A medical checkup offers you a chance to discuss issues with your doctor, ask questions, and get professional input on your overall health. Like your annual checkup with your doctor, a regular review of your estate plan with your attorney will help you minimize the risk of future unexpected hardships that might arise from incomplete or outdated documents.

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The Importance of Family Dinners After Divorce

The Importance of Family Dinners After Divorce

With the chaos typical during a divorce, it can be easy to let certain traditions fall through the cracks. One common tradition that often falls by the wayside is the family dinner. However, family dinners after divorce can be an important part of the recovery process for everyone, including your ex. Here are a few reasons why.

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