Safety Planning for Pets in a Domestic Violence Situation
If you are unsure about what will happen to your animals while you leave an abusive situation, ask an attorney about safety planning for pets in a domestic violence situation.
If you are unsure about what will happen to your animals while you leave an abusive situation, ask an attorney about safety planning for pets in a domestic violence situation.
A do-it-yourself (DIY) or even an online Will may seem like a really good deal on the surface – for a little bit of money you purchase a Will template or you can go online and have it prepared without an attorney. But, a Will can be a complicated matter – estate attorneys go to school for years a…
Download a free copy of the “Estate Planning Checklist for Parents” and start planning to protect your kids through it all.
For most families, a home is among their most valuable assets, both financially and emotionally. It is important to be thoughtful about how you are going to leave a home and to whom. If there are issues between siblings, tax considerations, or other family needs to consider, the parent should make an informed decision about what to do with the house and ensure that their estate plan reflects these wishes. It is particularly important to come up with a specific plan for your home.
We’ve curated a list of anti-racism books for children and adults. Learning and conversation is the first step to breaking the racism chain that burdens the black community.
Divorce Pathways Posted by Elise Buie | May 29, 2020 | 0 Comments Divorce Pathways
After many years of practicing Family Law and helping clients navigate divorce, I wrote about the defining principles that make or break my clients’ success. Over the next few weeks, we’ll be diving into each of the five “Success Principles of Divorce” on our blog. Check out this week’s breakdown…
Millions of children across the country are now being educated at home. For most parents, it’s their first experience homeschooling children. I homeschooled my four children for many years and have asked my oldest child to share some thoughts on what she thinks worked and what didn’t based on her…
Many families are struggling right now; money is tight, being home together poses new relational challenges, and many parents are navigating schooling at home for the first time. As we enter the end of week one of coronavirus isolation (some of us in Seattle have been at this for much longer…Elis…
If you’re going through a divorce in Washington State, there are five important estate planning questions you should consider. They are:
What happens if I die during my divorce?
What happens if I become incapacitated during my divorce?
How can I protect myself during divorce?
How can I protect my children during divorce?
How can I make sure my share of community property goes to the people I want it to go to rather than my future ex-spouse if I become incapacitated or die during my divorce?