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Three Types of Friends That Are Unhelpful in a Divorce

Three Types of Friends That Are Unhelpful in a Divorce

During a life-changing event such as divorce it is normal to seek guidance and support from friends. For the most part this support is beneficial but there are those friends, who despite their best intentions, create negative energy and may impede your judgment in the divorce process.

The fr…

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Child Custody and Poly Parenthood

Child Custody and Poly Parenthood

Family dynamics are changing and the legal system meets these changings with varying degrees of success. With leaps in assisted-reproduction and the embrace of non-traditional family structures courts are moving past the historic two-parent model. However, Courts still struggle to balance the rig…

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Legal Age for Marriage

Legal Age for Marriage

As a family law attorney, I was riveted to hear about this 17-year-old Girl Scout fighting to change the law in her home state of New Hampshire; the law allows girls as young as 13, and boys who are 14 to be married with the consent of a judge who finds a special circumstance.

You can watch th…

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Motherhood and Abortion by Guest Blogger – Kaitlin Buie

Motherhood and Abortion by Guest Blogger – Kaitlin Buie

The nuances of abortion are not something readily discussed in our society. Abortion is a hot button issue that many people feel strongly about on both sides of the isle and I view this issue through a limited partisan lens, often ignoring both scientific and economic facts. One of the most strik…

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Two common conflict tactics that are counterproductive

Why Parental Alienation is Harmful and How to Avoid it

Parental alienation occurs when a child, during a high conflict divorce, aligns himself or herself on the side of one parent to the detriment of their relationship with/completely alienation of the other parent. There are concrete steps you can take to avoid this situation, as it is harmful for a…

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College Costs for Divorced Couples

College Costs for Divorced Couples

If you have children of any age and are seeking a divorce make sure that negotiating college costs is top on your financial priority list. If your children are young, it is easy to overlook the importance of this issue or feel confident that it will sort itself out later. Unfortunately this is of…

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Top 3 Nuggets of Wisdom to Share with Your Teenager

Top 3 Nuggets of Wisdom to Share with Your Teenager

Independent thinking

The ability to think outside the box is a skill that will serve your teen in almost all circumstances. This includes critical thinking, which must be fostered from a relatively young age. If you consistently impede your child’s ability to create their own thoughts and opin…

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Property in Divorce

Property in Divorce

As part of any divorce, property must be divided between the parties. Washington law dictates how the courts go about making this division.

Nature of Property: Washington is a community property state, which means that property accrued during marriage is owned by both spouses, with the excepti…

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Apps that Make Divorce a Little Bit Easier

Apps that Make Divorce a Little Bit Easier

We are all on our phones 24/7 so why not add a few more apps to your home screen that could help you manage divorced life?

App – Two HappyHomes (similar to Our Family Wizard, my fave)

This app lets co-parents create calendars, store important medical information, share photos, and record …

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