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Divorce Derailing Retirement


Upon news of Trump’s new status as President-Elect, the stock market went haywire. The market reacts negatively to uncertainty and as one CNN reporter put it “Trump is uncertainty on steroids.” While I, and many of my fellow Americans certainly may felt shocked, this type of stock market downturn…

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DSHS Changed Visitation Policy

Parenting Plan

Every person, every family, and every divorce is unique. Gone are the days where everyone is stuck in the “every Wednesday and every other weekend” rut. While this arrangement may work for some, in the modern age attorneys and families can work together to craft unique parenting arrangements that…

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A statue of a woman

What is a Nasty Woman?

Donald trump infamously called Hillary Clinton a “nasty, nasty woman” in the final presidential debate. I have done a lot of soul searching recently, especially following his presidential win, to understand the true meaning of this phrase for those like Trump, and for me.
 I have concluded that …

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DSHS Changed Visitation Policy

DSHS Changed Visitation Policy

The Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) recently modified its visitation policy in a major way. There is now a presumption that visits between parents and children be unsupervised and in the least restrictive setting unless the presence of threats and danger to the child requires the …

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Avoid Pre-Nup Faux Pas

Avoid Pre-Nup Faux Pas

Many clients feel a little trepidation in raising the subject of a pre-nup with their prospective spouse. As experienced family law attorneys we share some tips on how best to avoid these pre-nup faux-pas.

What is it? A prenuptial agreement is a contract entered into by a couple before marriag…

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Become a Better Spouse, Sign a Pre-Nup

Become a Better Spouse, Sign a Pre-Nup

Are you madly in love? Anxiously anticipating the day you marry the most amazing person in the world? If yes, a pre-nuptial agreement (hereinafter “pre nup”) is right for you. Signing a pre-nup may not sound romantic and certainly does not top the list of glamorous wedding planning activiti…

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