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Divorcing a Narcissist

Chances are, your ex is not a narcissist.

I am not a psychologist and neither are 99% of people who diagnose those around them using the term “narcissist”.  This word is likely drastically over used to describe the undesirable personality traits of the people in our lives. There are people who genuinely suffer from narcissistic personali…

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Gun Safety and Domestic Violence in Washington

Gun Safety and Domestic Violence in Washington

Since Washington State’s 201 decisions to implement background checks on the purchase of all firearms, gun violence has been steadily decreasing across the state.
However, the always-progressive Washingtonians, (or Seattleites I should say) are not satisfied just yet. They plan to do what many m…

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Spending money in college?

Spending money in college?

What is a good amount of spending money for my son in college?  That was the question posted to a private university’s Facebook page.  Well, my quick, brilliant advice of course was “the amount your kid earns should be his spending money in my humble opinion.”
Well, that was not the desired answ…

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Never Use Child Support as a Weapon

Getting the Balance Right

In a single-parent household one likes to think that they are 100% in control of the household and the children – discipline included. Truth is, the 4-year-old that tends to run the house more than I’d like to admit. She has spent near all 4 years of her life going between our home and her dad’s….

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Consider Hiring a Financial Adviser

Marriage Resembles Algebra

Learning math is a constant process of compounding information.  Marriage is no different. If you miss a key concept in Algebra, it is incredibly hard to be successful in the future. Marriage requires a similar type of thoughtfulness and attention to detail.  So many believe that the feeling of l…

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Step Families – Our Family Story as seen through Ian’s Eyes

Step Families Take Time and Space to Gel

As we sat around our dinner table last night discussing a variety of topics ranging from Trump’s hateful rhetoric to a discussion around racism/classicism to the cost of a loaf of bread in Washington DC, it became very clear to my husband and I that our “little” (well not so little as we share 6 …

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Mistakes to Avoid with your Lawyer

“Adulting” is Not So Bad

Can I enjoy the perks of being a “grown-up” without the heavy and complicated responsibility that comes along with it? Especially in trying times like suddenly having to fumble your way through the unraveling of your family unit. Blind-sighted by a partner that ditched you and the kids for greene…

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Who Gets the Embryos?

Divorce is Not All Bad

How does divorce work for women in countries that severely restrict their freedoms?

Here in the United States, as well as in many other western countries, it is very easy to take for granted the relative equality between men and women in terms of access to divorce.  Of course women are still f…

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“The Donald” at it Again – Can Nobody Control Him?

“The Donald” at it Again – Can Nobody Control Him?

Donald Trump has been receiving a lot of negative media attention in the past few days. This alone isn’t noteworthy, as he has been receiving less than stellar attention for the past 12 months. What makes this round of news blasting more interesting is the fact that it is coming from fellow Repub…

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