7 Lessons from Divorce

Top Divorce Mistakes

Yesterday April Meadow Stallings opened up about her divorce to the Guardian in this beautiful piece. Emotionally and physically traumatized by her divorce she puts together a list of the “Seven things I wish I’d known before my divorce.” They are wonderful lessons for anyone contemplating divorce, or in the middle of one. Her look back at the divorce process is insightful, personal and is likely to hit home for many of our divorce clients.

In her article about divorce she says “…as I round out the first year since my divorce, things have calmed down. I look back and wish I could wrap my arms around that poor blindsided woman a year ago and whisper these truths into her ear.” Please visit the link for her full article; but in overview her top lessons are:

  1. Trip out on grief – it’s a hallucinogen

  2. Choose healing

  3. Shift attention away from your former partner

  4. Grab reinvention by the balls

  5. Try all the things

  6. Talk to all the people

  7. Know that it gets better (even if you absolutely don’t believe it)

We understand that divorce can be a harrowing experience emotionally, physically and logistically, which is why we have lawyers here to help. Having an experienced divorce lawyer can make all the difference to your process. Because we focus solely on family law, we understand the dynamics and can help guide you through your divorce. Please contact Elise Buie Family Law Group, PLLC for a consultation regarding your divorce. For more information about collaborative divorce or mediation please visit our website. 


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