
Your family is our first priority

The well-being and future success of your kid(s) is something you likely spend a great deal of time thinking about.
Whether you are a mom, dad, step-parent, or grandparent, you want to see your children thrive and build unbreakable bonds with them. We promise to care; we care about your children and their success and will do everything in our power to support you in protecting their well-being.


For Dads

A father’s rights lawyer at our firm can guide you through the legal process and help you understand how to make decisions that will support the vision you have for your family’s success.

Dad and son fishing on a lake


For Moms


As a mom who wants to protect your child, and your relationship with them, preserving parenting rights, maintaining or increasing time with them, or have questions about child support you should connect with our team of experienced child custody attorneys. One of our family law attorneys will guide you though the legal process and provide the information you need to make the best decisions for your family.



For Grandparents

What legal rights do you have when it comes to your grandchildren? How can you help protect or support them during a divorce or other life changes? We compiled a wealth of resources to help you understand when and how our family law and estate planning attorneys can help.



Blended Families

You went through a divorce, you have helped your kids thrive, and now you have fallen in love. It is time to merge your families. Our family law and estate planning attorneys can help you navigate the complexities that come with joining two families.


Parenting Plans

There are many decisions to consider as part of a parenting plan: living arrangements, vacations, school, summer break, learning to drive, piercings, tattoos, extracurricular activities, military, and more. As different as each family is, as diverse as every family’s traditions are, each parenting plan is equally unique. An experienced family law attorney can craft a plan that meets your child’s current and future needs.




  • A parent is remarrying and moving to a new location
  • The residential parent is forced to move to assist an elderly relative in their last years
  • One parent has mental health issues
  • There is something going wrong in the home where the child resides
  • There is a job change or job location transfer at issue


Guardian Ad Litem

A guardian ad litem is appointed by the court and serves the court in a fiduciary capacity. GALs, as they are often called, must have initial training and meet guidelines set forth by the courts they serve. A GAL makes recommendations to the court, but the judge is the final decision-maker.



If you have decided that adoption is the path you want to take to grow your family, let our team of experienced family law attorneys help you navigate the complicated process of adopting a child and overcome any challenges along the way.


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Special Needs

Issues of custody, support, and property division are more complex to negotiate when a child with special needs is involved. You have to consider your child’s specific needs. Our family law attorneys will take the time to understand a “day in the life” of caring for your child and develop a plan to address your goals. Additionally, our estate planning attorneys can help ensure that your child is well cared for after you are gone.


Adult Children

You spend 18 or so years preparing your child for adulthood, and in a blink of an eye, they are off. Let our experienced estate planning attorneys help make sure they are protected if they become incapacitated or preserve your wealth transfer if you choose to remarry or establish a committed intimate relationship in Washington.


Blog Posts

An experienced Seattle estate planning attorney can provide understanding about what happens to debts after you die.

A Seattle estate planning attorney can provide strategies for having a productive family meeting about estate planning.

Learn from an experienced Seattle family law attorney skills for how to divorce a narcissist in Washington state.

A Seattle family law attorney can help if you find you are in a situation where your ex is abusing your pet.

If you are an unmarried couple, a Seattle family law attorney can help you protect your partner through the use of wills and trusts.

A Seattle family law attorney can guide you with next steps should you discover that your spouse has been unfaithful.

Not sweating the small stuff is even more important during separation than it is at other times to have an amicable divorce.

Many people delay estate planning because facing sickness and death can be uncomfortable. However, preparation is necessary to have your wishes honored as you intend. With this in mind, consider the following suggestions to stay focused on these estate planning goals.

The thought of how to approach your partner for a divorce can be stressful, even if you believe they will take the news "well.” The upside is there are ways to communicate your intentions that can minimize the uncomfortable feelings you are experiencing while helping to make the conversation go more smoothly.

Unsure where to begin gathering the foundation you need to go through the divorce process with confidence and well-prepared? Consider the following 10 tips to prepare for divorce.

A common question about legal fees is why they are so high. The following article details what is built into legal fees and explains their cost.

Gifting an estate plan is an act of love because an estate plan goes far beyond material possessions, addressing the emotional, practical, and long-term well-being of your loved ones.

Prenuptial agreements (also known as prenups) can play a pivotal role in safeguarding individual spousal rights in the event of divorce and can also strengthen a marriage.

Valentine’s Day can be tricky for single parents, maybe even you. Unpartnered, at least for the time being, you might not foresee your plans fitting into conventional images of the holiday. But that doesn’t have to be. Valentine’s Day, when you’re single, can be more than a day you need to survive. It can be a day to look forward to.

Collaborative law has evolved into a globally practiced
discipline, extending well beyond the realm of family law, and is used frequently in Seattle divorces.