8 Rules for Co-Parenting Success

8 Rules for Co-Parenting Success
Any successful co-parenting relationship needs structure. These structures can keep things cool and civil between you and your ex so you can focus on your children. Whether you’re married or not, your children are learning about you and about relationships by seeing how you act with each other.

An article on Yahoo lists eight good rules for co-parenting that are a good baseline for civil behavior with your ex. The eight tips are:

1. Stop being negative about the situation.

2. If you need to vent, do it with someone you trust.

3. Never say bad things about your ex in front of your children.

4. In fact, say good things about them when they do something good!

5. If they do something that makes you angry, hold your tongue until you have all the information.

6. Give and take. Follow your ex’s suggestions sometimes. They may have a good idea that’s better for the kids.

7. If you and your ex can’t decide, let the kids decide. Don’t try to persuade them though and keep any jealousy to yourself.

8. If at all possible, do things together as a family.

Do you need help sorting out your co-parenting relationship? Talk to someone with experience in setting up co-parenting arrangements. At Elise Buie Family Law Group, we do more than just go to divorce court. We try to help couples find the best way to restructure their relationships for themselves and for the sake of their children. Call our office today for more information.


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