Why a dog might be a good idea for you and your kids during a divorce

No Court 4 Families 2025

Divorcedgirlsmiling recently posted about the ways in which a dog can offer support during a divorce. Expanding upon that, a dog can offer not only you but also your children a unique type of comfort during the upset of divorce.

First, dogs offer unconditional love. It does not matter what kind of dog it is or what kind of background it is from, your dog will show you unconditional love. This type of validation is great for those going through some of the less than joyous parts of divorce.

There are a few reasons getting a dog might be great for you children post divorce.

  1. Distraction

While there is truth in the idea that distracting yourself from your problems is not the solution it Is important to recognize that in divorce children are not the ones seeking solutions. A distraction may be incredibly beneficial.

  1. Physical activity

All kids need ample time outside and lots of physical activity as part of a healthy lifestyle. A dog can be the catalyst to much more enjoyable time spent outdoors and can provide your child companionship while they pursue a healthy lifestyle.

  1. Responsibility

During divorce children often feel as if they have lost all control over their own lives. Providing your child the opportunity to help care for another living thing and showing them you trust their judgment can help them feel more in control as they can see the benefits of their compassionate and responsible behavior manifested through their pet.


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