A Must Read for all parents considering Divorce: The Co-Parent’s Handbook by Karen Bonnell and Kristin Little

A Must Read for all parents considering Divorce: The Co-Parent’s Handbook by Karen Bonnell and Kristin Little

My favorite book on co-parenting.  Karen and Kristin wrote a very readable book on an extremely important topic; Co-parenting. I have given this book to my clients, my friends, my co-workers.  I have recommended this book to families that I work with in my role as a Guardian ad Litem, I have recommended reading it in court reports, I have given it to judges.  Everyone who is divorced with kids, everyone who is considering divorce, everyone who works with divorcing parents should read this book.  http://www.amazon.com/The-Co-Parents-Handbook-Well-Adjusted-Resourceful/dp/1495345866

We all read books on what to eat, what to wear, where to travel, how to manage time, how to garden, how to compost etc.  What is more important than knowing how to Co-Parent in the face of divorce.

For a child, what divorce breaks apart, strong co-parenting rebuilds – Karen Bonnell and Kristin Little

This sentiment is so simple yet so true.  Strong co-parenting creates strong, resilient children.  It is not the divorce that causes the deep, psychological damage to children it is the conflict.  Learning how to successfully co-parent is the first line of defense for your child’s psychological well-being. 

Put down your book on gardening for an hour and learn how to grow deep, sound roots for successful co-parenting.

Happy reading and enjoy your new co-parenting skills.


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