Apps to Help your Co-Parenting Journey

Practical Guide to Step-Parent Adoption
Co-parenting can have its ups and downs just like any other relationship. But if the feelings left over from your old relationship are so strong that you can’t stand to even see or hear from your ex, it can make it challenging to give your child the support they need. Fortunately, there are tools that can help you and your ex continue their parental responsibilities without the need to talk.

There are several smartphone apps on the market to help parents track custody schedules, maintain child support payments, and keep track of information about their children. One of the oldest is Our Family Wizard, though it requires a subscription on the Our Family Wizard website. Other programs that are similar are 2houses and BothParents. You may want to investigate all of these as you start your co-parenting journey.

Both parties will need to be willing to use the same application and update them regularly for best results. Communicating via text rather than voice or in-person conversation can defuse a lot of the emotional reaction that comes from non-verbal communication. When both parents can act with a clear mind, they can make good decisions.

Do you need advice on how to co-parent? Contact Elise Buie Family Law Group, PLLC. We can put you in touch with resources that can help you keep your parenting journey on track.


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