Attending to the Emotional Side of Divorce

Attending to the Emotional Side of Divorce
A recent Marketwatch article has a headline that states marriage is about love and divorce is about assets. On one level they are right, and the article does have excellent advice for keeping finances in order during a divorce. However, we believe there is more to divorce than just a division of property.

There is an emotional side that must be attended to as well. Feelings of hurt, betrayal, anger, and even good ones like love and nostalgia can fill the mind of someone going through a divorce. These emotions can make it very difficult to quickly settle a divorce case. Options like collaborative divorce and mediation can help you get past not just the legal and financial issues of divorce, but also help you heal from the heartache that divorce can cause.

If you’re considering going through a divorce, or are going through one right now, and are having trouble dealing with the emotional side, Elise Buie Family Law Group, PLLC can help you. We have resources to help people who are going through divorce from recommended book lists to marriage counselors. We can put you in touch with financial professionals to help you sort through assets, or even put you in contact with mental health professionals if you feel like you cannot deal with the stress.

Don’t let the emotions of divorce drag you down or lengthen your separation process. Contact our office today so we can help you move on quickly.


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