Avoid Pre-Nup Faux Pas

Avoid Pre-Nup Faux Pas

Many clients feel a little trepidation in raising the subject of a pre-nup with their prospective spouse. As experienced family law attorneys we share some tips on how best to avoid these pre-nup faux-pas.

What is it? A prenuptial agreement is a contract entered into by a couple before marriage. The pre-nup spells out the property rights of one or both of the parties involved in the case of death or divorce. While pre-nups can be crucial in protecting your assets in the event of death or divorce; how can you raise the subject without dooming the marriage before it starts?

Failure to Communicate: Communication is at the heart of any good marriage, and starting that before marriage will improve your prospects. Juggling family dynamics can be difficult, and clients may have a difficult time reconciling the needs of their parents, or children, and prospective spouse. Avoiding the subject because it is uncomfortable not only puts your financial future at risk, but also sets the stage for a relationship based on lack of disclosure. The best approach is to be open and forthright about your needs and desires while remaining respectful of your prospective spouse’s at the same time. An experienced family law attorney will be able to help in making sure no one is feeling left behind in the process.

Waiting too Long: Don’t wait until right before the wedding to start searching for an attorney. You will want to start the process early, to allow everyone the time to feel heard- not rushed into an agreement.

Ambiguity: Clear financial goals for the future and the present should be articulated precisely in the agreement. An experienced family law attorney will be able to draft an agreement that is straightforward, limiting and questions as to meaning later on.

For assistance establishing a prenuptial agreement speak with one of our Washington State Family Law Attorneys at Elise Buie Family Law Group, PLLC.  Contact our office to help get you started with planning your prenup today. 


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