Choosing the Right Attorney – Trust your Gut – You “N” Types Know What I Mean…….

Headshot of Elise Buie

So where does one start when reaching the decision to start a divorce? Most people start searching for a lawyer by asking friends for advice and searching the internet, but here are some topics to consider:

1. Identify the potential need for a divorce attorney early.  Ask questions before you are served with paperwork.

2. Reach out to your friends and associates for referrals. 

4. Ask detailed questions of the attorney at the initial consultation.

5. Take inventory after the meeting regarding your feelings regarding the lawyer
 interviewed.  Did it feel right?  Did the attorney seem knowledgeable?  Did the attorney seem to understand your situation?  Did the attorney show up timely and respect your schedule?

6. Trust your gut – if it doesn’t not seem right, it probably isn’t.  If you don’t like your attorney, your divorce is going to be even uglier.  At least like and trust your attorney.


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