Collaborative Law

Collaborative Law

It is likely no surprise that divorce and separation cases are often highly stressful and litigious, not uncommonly depleting the finances of parents only to leave them emotionally drained and unsatisfied with the court-ordered results. Such high-conflict cases often only harm the children when the ultimate goal of family law is to promote their best interests. Collaborative law encourages respectful discourse, promotes transparency, prioritizes the needs of the children, and can give the parents more control over the long-term outcomes. The collaborative approach focuses on peacefully solving problems rather than employing the “fight to win” mentality that regular adversarial family law often entails. By keeping the matter out of court and employing a team of experienced professionals (such as mental health counselors, financial experts, parenting specialists, etc.), many parents find that the harm divorce causes children is minimized. To learn more about collaborative law and find out if it might be right for you, a loved one or friend, Call Elise Buie Family Law Group, PLLC to schedule a consultation. 


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