Divorce Gone Very Wrong

How One Family Fought CPS
A heartbreaking case involving child custody continues in Michigan. The ex-husband in the case has been trying to gain custody of the children, but the ex-wife has continually thwarted the husband’s attempts, even defying court orders to do so. Worse, she has convinced the children that their father is a bad person and refuse to communicate with them.

He has asked the court that his wife undergo a psychiatric evaluation, and claims that the privacy rights of the children have been trampled because the mother has been giving their images to the media. As to the children, they were actually charged with contempt of court for refusing to interact with their father. They were first sent to a facility for neglected children and then to a summer camp while the legal issues are settled.

The husband also claims that his ex-wife retained a lawyer without his consent or knowledge to represent the children. That attorney sent sealed envelopes to the children with instructions that they only be opened by them. However, they were intercepted and given to the court-appointed lawyer representing the interests of the children. Many other examples of interference are given in the full article at the link.

It would be fantastic if adults could settle their differences amicably in a divorce, but sometimes that just does not happen. Elise Buie Family Law Group, PLLC advocates for collaborative divorce and mediation if possible, but we are willing to fight hard in divorce court if it is necessary. If you live in the State of Washington, call our office today to schedule a consultation.


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