Divorce Lawyer Narrowly Escapes Murder Plot

Seattle Moving Towards a City-Funded “Safe Consumption Site” for Heroin Addicts – Guest Blogger
Divorce lawyers have to work with people from all walks of life. Sometimes this puts lawyers at risk. A lawyer in Indiana narrowly missed getting tangled in a murder plot thanks to the watchful eye of her husband.

According to the police, a mother and her son had planned to kill a divorce lawyer that was trying to seek money from the mother’s recently-divorced husband. The husband saw the pair sitting in a car outside of their home and called the police. Police found a gun and a syringe with what they believe was a lethal dose of anesthesia. They were arrested and posted $20,000 bail. Now they pair is on the run after failing to show up for their court date.

Thankfully, such cases are very rare. A much more common worry we experience is someone getting harmed trying to escape an abusive relationship through divorce. As you may have read in some of our previous stories, a partner may resort to criminal activity to prevent a divorce.

At Elise Buie Family Law Group, PLLC, we can work with you and the police to give you legal protections if you fear that your partner will harm you. Don’t let fear keep you in an abusive relationship. Contact us today for a confidential consultation.


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