Facebook Blamed for Divorce

Facebook Blamed for Divorce

Earlier in the week, we wrote about a UK study that showed that social media was a growing cause for marital strife and divorces. Now a woman in Chicago is saying that Facebook ruined her marriage, and she’s not the only one.

She told a local news station that she was a Facebook addict and that it destroyed her marriage. It started five years ago. She found herself spending four to five hours a day on the service instead of spending time with her spouse and children. She had over 5,000 friends on Facebook and another 1,000 followers.

Her husband soon discovered that she was messaging with her ex-boyfriends. That’s when the trouble really began, and eventually caused her divorce.

A study by CensusWide is saying that one in seven of every divorce in the US has social media as a cause, but some experts say that number is very low. It could be as high as half as all divorces. Even if it is the lower level, social media doesn’t seem to bond us together like it promises. It’s pulling us and our relationships apart.

Do you believe that social media is having a negative impact on your marriage? Seek help with a marriage counselor. Elise Buie Family Law Group, PLLC has helped many couples avoid divorce through counseling. For more information, read our website or give us a call.


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