Free Estate Planning Checklist for Parents – ParentMap


Mother, father, and baby enjoying outdoors

As parents we have a lot on our agenda.  Between homeschooling, house chores, work and with all of the technology available; the list keeps mounting.The pandemic doesn’t make parenting any easier, but it’s important now more than ever to make sure our children are protected. Estate planning is an essential part of our responsibility as parents to ensure our children are cared for in the event that we can’t be there for them. 

Download our free guide, “The Estate Planning Checklist for Parents” to learn the 5 essential documents you need to protect your family.

At Elise Buie Family Law Group, we are powerful advocates and advisors who leverage our  skills and experience to protect your rights and help you plan for the future. We’ve seen what not having an estate plan in place can do to children left with no directives in place for their care.  It can be devastating and in some cases, can result in a long, arduous, and expensive process to appoint a caregiver can ensue. We want to be there for you to help you take the actions necessary to protect yourself, your kids and your assets. The estate planning process begins with a free consultation call with our estate planning specialist, Judy. She will walk you through everything you need to know during this call and answer your questions. 

Get on the path to creating an estate plan customized to support the needs of your children by downloading this free checklist.Creating a formal estate plan to protect your children puts you in the driver’s seat for your family’s future. Don’t let chance or someone else make the decisions for your children’s care.

Get a copy of “Estate Planning Checklist for Parents” and start planning your family’s strategy with your next chapter in mind.

Download this free checklist by filling out the form below.

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