How Do I Choose a Divorce Attorney?

Woman Keeps Child from Husband for 25 Years

We understand at you have many options for legal representation when selecting an attorney to help guide you through your divorce process; but all of those options can be overwhelming! How do you know how to find the right lawyer for you?


Don’t just choose the first divorce attorney you speak with. Trust is the most important factor when it comes to selecting your legal counsel. You need an attorney that can inform and empower you to make your own best decisions, and this requires communication and clarity. Speaking with the attorneys will help you gain understanding of your compatibility with the lawyer.

Don’t Hire a Bulldog 

We have spoken about this before. By escalating conflict and raising tensions you can cause the other party to become more resentful, and drive up legal and court costs. Higher costs mean less assets left for you and your spouse at the end of the day. Punishing your spouse might seem like a good idea in the abstract, but the reality is, it just isn’t in your best interest.


You can find out the reputation of the attorney and their experience in Family Law by speaking with family and friends. Many clients find our office after former clients have recommended us to other members of their community. You can also review an attorney’s reputation online, on sites such as or by speaking with your local bar association.

Fee Structure

Before signing up with an attorney you should have a clear understanding of how you will be charged and what services will be provided. After all, you pay your attorney to perform a service for you, and how involved that service will be is often dictated by your fee agreement. Your attorney should provide you an opportunity to review and sign the agreement prior to beginning representation.

Looking for assistance navigating your divorce or other family law matter in the Greater Seattle Area? At Elise Buie Family Law Group our knowledgeable attorneys are ready to help. Please contact Elise Buie Family Law Group, PLLC to help you out.


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