How to reduce the cost of your divorce

How to reduce the cost of your divorce

Despite its reputation, divorce does not have to cost an arm and a leg. There are several steps you and your ex partner can take to minimize the cost of divorce. Lawyers spend dozens of hours prepping for divorce litigation behind the scenes and this time spent preparing for litigation can result in an enormous bill for you.

The first and most obvious way to limit expenses during a divorce is to choose a collaborative approach instead of litigation. If you and your ex spouse are able to communicate respectfully this is a great option. Unfortunately collaborative divorce is not the answer for those who cannot communicate their ex or who are dealing with extenuating circumstances such as abuse.

Collaborative divorce is a great way to place the best interest of the children first and avoid unnecessary conflict often associated with litigation.  This approach uses mediation and collaboration to reach a settlement in a divorce. It is likely that in a collaborative environment you and your ex spouse will be able to reach agreements on many issues ranging from finances to parenting. After all, you must have some shared values or you would not have married this person in the first place.


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