Children do best when they have strong and supported relationships with both of their parents. Your role is an important one, one that should be secured and supported. You do not have to get lost in the divorce and parenting plan processes. The court is guided by the “best interests of the child” principle. Whether we are working together to sort out your matters in court, mediation, or collaboration, we will make sure to uphold your priorities and work with you to put your children’s needs first.
You deserve an attorney who understands the importance of your role and the value you bring to your family. Our experienced family law attorneys will help you demonstrate the importance of your impact as a father to the court, mediator, and even to your ex.
Both parents are required to support their child in Washington State. Child support is a means to provide financial support for your child as they grow. If you have questions about paying or receiving child support, one of our family law attorneys can assess your unique situation and provide guidance.
If you have been raising your child together, then you are a co-parent. Two individuals trying to do what is in the best interests of their child are, by definition, co-parents. Co-parenting takes a little more practice and effort when the household is no longer intact and both parents have established separate lives.
Have a life, have friends, interests, maybe even a therapist; you are modeling success for your child.
Our team works with families where both parents have been working, where one has been working part-time, or where one parent stays home. No matter how your family has been supported financially, divorce can be a time of change.
Whether you have been staying at home or supporting your spouse in their parenting role, our experienced divorce attorneys can help you make a plan for the future to put your family’s economic security on track. We are here to help answer your questions, educate you about your options, and provide you the resources you need to plan for that next step.
As a dad, you have likely done everything you can to protect your children, to help ensure they can successfully transition to adulthood and thrive. Nothing can protect your children from the fact that one day you will no longer be with them. Investing in a comprehensive estate plan can help protect your minor child and their inheritance. A well-thought-out plan will allow your adult child to understand your wishes, ease their burden, and let them have time to focus on grieving.
Ensuring your estate plan is maintained and updated as your life changes are just as important as the initial creation. Our estate planning attorneys will work with you to determine the best tools to achieve your objectives and meet with you to make necessary adjustments.
Hear from a Seattle family law attorney about how to defend against false allegations in a Washington state divorce.
Learn from an experienced Seattle family law attorney who pays for summer camp in Washington state after a divorce.
A skilled and experienced Seattle divorce attorney discusses the ins and outs of grandparent visitation in family law matters.
Today, we celebrate 10 years of changing lives for our Seattle family law, divorce, and estate planning clients and our team.
A Seattle parenting plans lawyer can help you draft a parenting plan to establish residential time for a peaceful co-parenting relationship.
Learn from an experienced Seattle family law attorney about the disposition of pets when unmarried couples break up.
Learn from an experienced Seattle family law attorney about how parenting plans work in Washington state divorces.
Washington family law usually encourages parents to work out differences between themselves without involving the judicial system. Child support modification is different. Informal side agreements, even written agreements, are unenforceable in family court. So, when circumstances change accordingly, as outlined…
A skilled and experienced Seattle family law attorney details tips and tricks for Washington state single parents.
A compassionate Seattle family law attorney can provide guidance about divorce issues related to caring for a special needs child.
A compassionate Seattle estate planning attorney can provide guidance about creating an estate plan if you discover you're dying.
An experienced Seattle estate planning attorney can provide understanding about what happens to debts after you die.
A Seattle estate planning attorney can provide strategies for having a productive family meeting about estate planning.
Learn from an experienced Seattle family law attorney skills for how to divorce a narcissist in Washington state.
A Seattle family law attorney can help if you find you are in a situation where your ex is abusing your pet.