
Why do people dread Mondays?

The answer is obvious: we all dread Mondays because the weekend is over and our workweeks are just starting.  But, as I rode the elevator up to my office this morning, I realized that we don’t need to dread Mondays.  I almost commented to the other riders, “Oh man, I dread Monday,” in hopes of getting at least a chuckle.  Instead, I kept the comment to myself and reflected on all that I am grateful for on this day.

I am grateful for my job and my clients.  I am grateful for the nice employees at the coffee stand that try to make my Monday more enjoyable.  I am grateful for the Internet and email.  But, mostly I am grateful that a new episode of The Bachelor is on tonight at 8:00!   So, I ask you, what can you look forward to on this rainy Monday?  Maybe the rain will stop just in time for you to go for a run with your dog when you get home.  Tell me that isn’t something to look forward to on a Monday.

By Alexis Young


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