Reducing your Stress Levels in a Divorce

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If you are undergoing a divorce you know how stressful it can be, but making a few small efforts can reduce the amount of stress you’re feeling. Most people who want a divorce want it to be as quick and painless as possible. The Huffington Post has some good advice on some things you can do to reduce your stress levels.

First, keep records of everything and not just the financial information. 

One of the most bitterly contested items in a divorce is child custody. If you can document how much money you are spending on your child and how much time you are spending with them, the court will be able to make a fairer decision.

Second, remove items in the house that remind you of your spouse. 

Put them away somewhere or give them to a friend until the emotional attachment to them has passed. Having things around that drag up bitter feelings will do no good for your stress levels.

Third, if you have children change your ex-spouse’s name to “co-parent” in the phone.

Learning how to co-parent is one of the more difficult things to learn after a divorce. If you can stop thinking of your ex as an ex and start thinking of them as a co-parent, you can reframe how you think of them. Making this little change can help.

To read other tips that can help you reduce stress, head to the full post on HuffPo. If you live in Washington and need assistance with your divorce, contact Elise Buie Family Law Group, PLLC.


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