Seek Help for Co-parenting

Seek Help for Co-parenting

Parents will often share custody of children after a divorce. This puts both partners in a tricky situation. A lot of time, money, and emotional energy goes into a divorce. The ex-spouses may want nothing to do with each other but are forced to interact due to children. Spouses who divorce enter into a dance known as co-parenting, where both sides try to do their best by their children without entangling themselves with their former partners.

If ex-spouses haven’t learned how to let go of the emotional energy of a divorce, co-parenting can become very difficult. It will be hard for them to make decisions for the best interests of the children due to ego and old wounds. Yet they can be overcome. An inspiring story from Yahoo Parenting shares one woman’s journey of how she learned to co-parent better after she tried a suggestion from her ex.

Learning how to compromise in these small ways and seeing the benefits in your children is an excellent way to work with your former partner. You may no longer be married, but you can share the responsibility of helping your children grow up. One of our specialties at Elise Buie Family Law is making parenting plans. These plans can guide both parents in how to adjust to their children’s needs over time without stunting their development. For more information about how we can help you develop a parenting plan, contact our office today.


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